Please read the FAQ before contacting Support. You can contact Support using one of the means below:

Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated!

To review your orders, access your registration information or change your e-mail settings, login to your account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Lost registration information
Entering the registration information
Setup: Installation package could not be opened / is corrupted or missing / internal error
Setup: VideoSaver setup ended prematurely because of an error

Lost registration information
Click here to access your registration information.

If you have lost your account password and no longer have access to the account e-mail address, contact Support via e-mail and include the full name, address and e-mail address used when purchasing the software.

Entering the registration information
To enter your registration information, go to Control Panel > Personalization (Control Panel > Display on Windows XP and earlier), select screen saver settings, then select VideoSaver from the list of screen savers, click on Settings, then select the About tab and click on Enter Registration Code.

If you get an error message when entering the registration information, or if the software is still running in trial mode after entering the registration information: make sure you have entered the name in the first field (Registered to), and the registration code in the second field (Registration code). The name needs to be entered exactly as shown in your registration information.

Setup: Installation package could not be opened / is corrupted or missing / internal error
This happens due to a corrupted download, for example because a proxy server on your company or internet service provider's network has cached a partially downloaded copy of the setup file. To fix this, try downloading again later. Some users have reported that downloading with the Firefox browser fixed the problem for them.

To verify if the software was downloaded successfully:

  1. right-click the downloaded .msi file and select Properties from the menu
  2. select the Digital Signatures tab and double-click on the signature. If the Digital Signatures tab doesn't exist, the file is corrupted
  3. verify that the digital signature is valid: on the General tab under Digital Signature Information it should say 'This digital signature is OK'

Click here for a screenshot of the digital signature dialog.

If the digital signature isn't valid or is missing, the file has been corrupted during downloading or has only been partially downloaded.

Setup: VideoSaver setup ended prematurely because of an error
This can have several reasons. First, make sure that the file hasn't been corrupted during download, as described above.

If the .msi file is okay, try copying it to the root directory of your system drive, usually C:\, then run setup from there. The main part of setup runs under the SYSTEM account, so that account also needs read access to the setup file.

If this doesn't fix the problem, please do a logged install and send the log file to

  1. open a command prompt
  2. use the cd command to change to the directory where you placed the .msi file
  3. run the following command:

    msiexec /i <filename>.msi /l*v VideoSaver.log

  4. after setup has finished, you'll have a file called VideoSaver.log in the same directory as the .msi file