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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Mons, 2 cards (one PCIe, one PCI) both ATI.
redux   2007-05-19 03:26
Intel DQ965GF
BIOS primary set to PCIe
PCIe is 512MB Radeon X1600 Pro on two LCD's
That's been working fine for several weeks

Now I want to play 3 mons for FS9/FSX
I droped in a PCI 128MB Radeon 9250.
I can BIOS it as primary and it works fine,
I can BIOS primary to the PCIe and do what I've been doing w/o XP seeing the 3ed mon in display properties.

I can't get all 3?
Josh   2007-06-05 09:30
This varies on a per motherboard and card basis, but typically the PCI card MUST be primary in the bios. I've never actually used a PCI and PCI-e video card myself though, it's possible motherboards won't support it at all. I've only done it with an AGP and PCI setup.

Considering your motherboard will allow it you'd most likely have to reinstall both cards drivers after booting into windows with the PCI set as primary.

If that still doesn't help you, you'll have to ask for help with your motherboard to see if it's possible and if it's not perhaps look for a bios update.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Mons, 2 cards (one PCIe, one PCI) both ATI.

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