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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitors and Win98SE Issues
Riclos   2006-03-20 02:53
Running a Win98se computer is hard enough as it is, but when the difficulties are strained by the fact that video card manufacturers put their support software out to pasture after just a few years, it becomes impossible. Please don't toss me none of that "git XP" crap! I am an experimenter by nature and as such I like to fiddle about with different configurations. Maybe you know it or not, but XP and 2K don't like having their hardware switched and altered. Long story short, I went back to (and stick with) Win98se.

Oh, the issues -- I am running two ATI 64 mb cards, the primary is an AGP and the secondary is a PCI. The Device Manager informs me that the area of memory normally used for the card is in use by another program (asterisk), and cannot be initialized. So I add an emmexclude to the 386enh section and reboot, to no affect at all. I have checked to see that both cards are multimon compatable and they are. I have configured each card seperately without the other being installed and both work. I have switched IRQ's, nothing. I have tried other slots on the riser board, nothing. I have tried driver after driver. If the problem is caused by an outdated driver then why do they both work seperately?

I have seen this same problem posted on message boards before, and always with ATI cards. As I mentioned earlier, ATI has placed the card on the unsupported list so they're no help. Was hoping one of you might help

primary = ATI Rage 128 AGP 64
secondary = ATI RADEON 7200 64

Have problem reports, system config readouts, etc. for anyone serious about helping, thanks
Tantalus   2006-03-22 14:36
1) have you determined what address space each card uses when they are plugged in singly? (i'm assuming you aren't having irq issues as well)

2) post the complete contents of your config.sys and your system.ini files...there are some switches for both files which you might not be using

3) in your bios, are you doing any bios shadowing?

#1 and #2 are the key issues here.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitors and Win98SE Issues

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