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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> UltraMon to magnify part of the screen
John M   2005-10-02 14:06
Right, well I'm a bit of a novice, in fact a total newbie to visual basic, but I was hoping to either put together or track down a small application which will allow me to change the display size and position temporarily, just when a particular application is in the foreground. It looks like UltraMon might be able to do this. Ideally I want to simply specify the co-ordinates of a portion of the display and have that portion magnified to fill the whole screen. With a bit of trial and error I expect I could do the same thing by working out the height and width of a huge display of which only the central portion would be visible on my monitor. Then I would only need to shift its position so that it is centred where I want it, and maybe stretch it a little.

Can anyone tell me how I can do this with UltraMon?

Many thanks.
Christian Studer   2005-10-03 09:16
You could use the UltraMon components to change the display resolution, but I'm not sure this would have the effect you want.

You might still need to center your application again after the resolution change, and switching display resolution every time your application gains or loses the focus would probably be rather irritating for the user.

If you want to give it a try, you can install the trial version of UltraMon, then take a look at the System and Monitor objects in the SDK documentation.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> UltraMon to magnify part of the screen

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