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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Inverting the computer screen's display
John Kirsch   2004-08-17 06:53
Someone told me they thought that ultramon software might be capable of inverting my computer screen's display. After looking around the sight, I was unable to find any such feature. Does utramon have this capability? If not, has anyone ever heard of any software which preforms this function?
Christian Studer   2004-08-18 02:10
UltraMon mirroring can flip the image of mirrored monitors, but flipping the image of other monitors is not supported.

I'm not aware of any application which supports this.

Christian Studer -
clp   2004-10-12 16:26
PivotPro from Portrait Displays
Dimitar Pankov   2004-12-27 14:37
I haven't tried it but TVTool has an option for this. Of course this will help you only if you are needing this for fliping the image of a TV
Josh   2005-01-18 19:00
It is also a built in feature on the nvidia drivers. You can do it from the advanced tab in display properties if you use any nvidia card.

I think the ATI drivers also have such a feature but I'm not sure.

Or you can always do what I did when I had to do it and couldn't find anything a few years ago. Flip the physical monitor. :)
MichaelB   2005-02-03 07:15
I'm using the latest ATI Rotation feature of the driver simulateously on a Radeon 7500 AGP and Radeon 9250 PCI.

I just couldn't get Pivot Pro to work either on Server 2003 or XP.

Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Inverting the computer screen's display

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