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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi monitor movies
Stephen Simmons   2003-09-06 05:35
Does anyone know of software that can play divx or dvd's over both monitors?
Bectel   2003-09-24 03:34
If you use a dual output graphics card like a matrox you can make it one virtual monitor. This will allow you to span the movie across both screens.
Christian Studer   2003-09-24 03:46
As far as I know this will only work with Matrox cards, ATI doesn't support span mode and Nvidia doesn't support stretching a video window across both monitors in span mode (see my Nvidia review).

Christian Studer -
mac   2003-09-25 10:47
actually nvidia does, i am not sure when you reviewed. but i am using the 43.25 drivers, and when i use the nvidia horizontal span option (NOT the windows dual view), which treats both monitors as one big desktop, playing movies across both monitors does work. this is a common misconception because not many people use the nvidia horizontal span.
Christian Studer   2003-09-26 11:16
I tested with the 41.09 drivers. Can you also play DVDs stretched across both monitors in span mode?

Christian Studer -
mindabsence   2003-10-02 09:22
I am currently running an XFX GeForce FX 5600 and I am using the 44.03 driver that came with the card and I can not seem to find and kind of span option in my drivers. Anyone know what this might be?

mac   2003-10-06 07:45
try different drivers. the latest from your card manufacturer and then the latest nvidia ones.

for me, the option only appears. after i disable the windows dual display.
Mindabsence   2003-10-11 07:38
I still do not have anything like in that Nvidia review (
Could it be that my card just can't do that? Or is this something else I have to download and install?
Mindabsence   2003-10-16 10:08
NVM I did figure it out. The cards only 2 weeks old so i'm still figurin out how to run most of it.
brad   2007-06-09 23:36
for :Christian Studer

hi you say ati no support span mode-is this still true(2007)i have a old old ati card-x700 pro ..i dont think this supports span mode-can u confirm this
Christian Studer   2007-06-10 08:32
That's no longer the case, span mode should work fine with your card, but you'll need to have the Catalyst Control Center installed in order to enable it.

Christian Studer -
Tom   2007-06-10 22:25
Now there are cards can support video playback across more monitors, but most can't. Also, you can use some video software doing this, such as vlc or matrixdvd player.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi monitor movies

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