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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Differentiate MY COMPUTER in Windows 7
MB   2015-10-08 12:22
I am trying to open My computer in windows 7 which displays my hard disk drives in monitor 2 but when I open my other windows folders it too opens in monitor 2 (I like to open that in Monitor 1) and I would like to differentiate MY COMPUTER form other windows folders so they open in separate monitors consistently. How do I do that? I can't seem to create shortcut for my computer in ultramon because it's not an application.

Christian Studer   2015-10-08 14:35
It might be possible to do this with a script for UltraMon which runs in the background and moves windows with a specific caption to a specified monitor. Let me know if you would be interested in this.

Christian Studer -
MB   2015-10-10 20:01
Yes absolutely. I am trying to figure out how do this.

Christian Studer   2015-10-11 15:04
I have uploaded a script which does this: PositionWnds

To configure the script for your needs, set the options on lines 1 - 6 like this:

APP_EXE = Array("explorer.exe", "explorer.exe")
WND_CAPTION = Array("Computer", "")
DEST_MON = Array(2, 1)
ONLY_MOVE_ONCE = Array(True)
Const RESIZE_TO_FIT = True
Const INTERVAL = 2

To start the script automatically at system startup, place it into the folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Differentiate MY COMPUTER in Windows 7

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